Planet Catalysts

All about these mysterious items which allow you to influence the traits of your minted Planet.

Earlier this year, we announced our plans for Phantom Catalyst NFTs, which will allow holders to influence the traits of their generative Planet, Starfighter, and Avatar NFTs during minting.

Phantom Catalysts are a pretty nifty invention. Catalysts you own can be used during the minting process of your generative Planet NFT to influence its traits. You can mint your generative Planet NFT at any time but note that the assigned Phantom Catalyst NFTs and the relevant mintpass will be burned together at that time of minting. While the team is still finalizing some of the more specific information about their exact gameplay effects, Planet Phantom Catalysts can directly influence the ecosystem of your Planet, the resources that can be found on it, and much more!

Without further adieu, let’s dive into the traits that set Planets apart, and how you can use Phantom Catalysts to help influence your Planets’ traits and features!

Ecosystems and Planet Surfaces

Each Planet falls into an overarching Ecosystem category. When it comes to Planet Ecosystems, there are three types in total:

  • Aridic: Mineral planets that have a rocky and barren appearance. They are likely to be plentiful in Solid resources, but deficient in Liquid resources (we’ll talk about different Resources in more detail a little later). It is more likely that they will be in Close Orbit to their local star.

  • Edenic: An organic planet has an appearance similar to our Earth. It is likely to be plentiful in Liquid resources, but be deficient in Gas resources. It is more likely that they will be in a Medium Orbit to their local star.

  • Glacic: These frozen planets’ excessively low temperature makes their appearances similar to that of a rocky snowball in space. They are likely to have more plentiful Gas resources trapped in their frozen depths, but have fewer Solid resources. It is more likely that they will be in a Far Orbit around their nearest star.

An Ecosystem Phantom Catalyst will allow you to set the Ecosystem trait to be what is specified on the Catalyst during Planet Minting. If a Phantom Catalyst is not used, there is an equal β…“ chance of each Ecosystem being generated during minting.

Ecosystems will be directly visible and can be impactable by Catalysts, but Planet Surfaces won’t be. These surfaces range in increments from excessively mountainous to very smooth. When the time for Planet Exploration comes, rocky terrain may slow down the movement speed of certain vehicles and devices, whereas smooth terrain might make it quicker.

Bedrock Firmness is another non-influenceable trait your Planets will have. The firmness of a Planet ranges in increments from Extremely Soft to Extremely Hard. Solid ground is quicker to build on, but softer ground is quicker to mine from.

Environmental Hostility & Harshness

During Planet generation, the number of Hostility traits present will be determined. Each type of Planet Ecosystem will be subject to different kinds of Hostilities. These traits are equally likely to occur and create hazards on the planet. The Environmental Harshness trait determines the number of other hostility traits present. The traits include:

  • Weather Conditions

  • Electromagnetic Interference

  • Visibility

  • Acid Pools

  • Lava Lakes

  • Ice Sheet Crevasses

Each trait has different conditions and effects on the Planet’s surface, which may have an impact on a range of Planet activities based on severity of hazards. The number of hazards generated and the severity depends on the Planet size and the specific Hostility trait. More details will be shared about the impact of Hostilities when Planet Exploration draws near.

Resource Levels and an Overview of Resources

In Phantom Galaxies, the number and value of resource tiles on planets are determined by the Resource Level. This level, ranging from Very Limited to Superabundant, influences the chances of generating different types of tiles. For example, a Planet with a Plentiful resource level will have more tiles with abundant resources. The resource level also determines the specific values assigned to the tiles. The chances of each resource level being selected during planet generation are as follows:

  • 16% β€” Very Limited

  • 26% β€” Limited

  • 50% β€” Common

  • 6% β€” Plentiful

  • 2% β€” Superabundant

By utilizing your Resource Catalyst during Planet Minting, you can influence the resource allocation on your Planet towards a specific State or Reactivity. Unlike other Catalysts that completely replace the chosen ecosystem, the Resource Catalyst provides a push or preference for the specific resource type while also offering a small boost to the total resource output. This means that if you desire more of a particular resource, the Resource Catalyst can help tilt the balance in that direction without entirely replacing the existing allocation.

Which Resources are present on a Planet is determined by multiple factors:

  • Planet Size: Determines how many Resources can potentially appear and how many individual Resources tiles can appear (min and max).

  • Planet Ecosystem: Each Planet Ecosystem is more plentiful in one type of Resource, and it will be more likely to appear than others.

  • Minimum Resources: Each Planet size (that can support more than 1 Resource) will have a resource breakdown across each Type and Family.

  • Maximum Uniques: Asteroids have a set quantity of maximum unique Resource types that can be generated on the Planet.

Resources exist in three main forms: Solid, Liquid, and Gas. You’ll eventually need different types of Resources for different things, but the exact details are still being ironed out by our team at this stage. Resources are also categorized within three types of Reactivity: Stable, Unstable, and Radioactive. While the exact details of these are also still being finalized, we plan that Unstable and Radioactive resources will need more advanced buildings to harvest and store, but will ultimately be more useful.

For Example:

We have a Small Planet with an Edenic Ecosystem. It generates 27 base resource tiles. Solid Resource State and a Stable Resource Reactivity Catalysts are used. The base resource split generation table is as follows. The use of the Catalysts increases the total resources to 33, with 7 spares (26 covered by minimums).

An Edenic Ecosystem Planet is plentiful in Liquid resources and deficient in Gas resources. Following the rules above, 60% of the spare rolls are distributed to Liquid resources (4 total), 30% to Solid resources (2 total), and 10% to Gas resources (1 total).

The final distribution could look like the following:

Note: Resource table figures are examples only and the final Max amount may be subject to change.


Discovery traits are not visible on your Planet. Planets will randomly generate a number of Discoveries within a set range, determined by the Planet’s size (e.g. a Small Planet will generate 12 to 16 Discoveries). The number of Discoveries that will be generated can be increased by using a Phantom Catalyst, with values ranging from Low to High. Discoveries are very rare finds, so a value of High only means more than Average, but overall there will still be a low quantity on the Planet itself.

Set values determine the likelihood of certain Discoveries appearing on your Planet. These values are 20% for Low, 75% for Average, and 5% for High. You may find one of the following Discoveries on your Planet:

  • Ancient Maps

  • Underground Tunnels

  • Cave Paintings

  • Mysterious Obelisks

These Discoveries will grant you special ways to gain more knowledge about your Planet during Planet Exploration. We’ll have more detail to share on Planet Exploration mechanics (and the advantages of each type of Discovery) when it’s closer to release.

Using specific Planet Phantom Catalysts can impact the way that Discoveries present on your Planet:

  • Lost Civilisation: This trait will increase the likelihood of man-made Discoveries on the planet (e.g. Ancient Maps, Cave Paintings).

  • Natural Phenomena: This trait will increase the likelihood of natural Discoveries on the Planet (e.g. Underground Tunnels, Mysterious Obelisks).

Celestial Features

One more trait that you can influence on your Planet is its Celestial or visual features. By default, there is a 20% chance that your Planet will have either a Moon or Ring System (10% each). If it has the Moon trait, there is a 75% chance of a Lone Moon and a 25% chance of Dual Moons appearing. With the Ring System trait, there is a 50% chance for Basic Ring System, a 25% chance for Beautiful Ring System, a 16% chance for Superb Ring System, a 6% chance for Spectacular Ring System and a 3% chance for Breathtaking Ring System. All Celestial features are purely cosmetic and having a Moon(s) or Ring System has no in-game advantages or benefits over other Celestial features.

By using your Celestial Bodies Catalyst to influence this trait, you can ensure the appearance of Moons or Ring Systems (but not both at the same time) around your Planet.

  • By using the Lunar Catalyst, you will have guaranteed Moon traits, with a 75% chance of a Lone Moon and a 25% chance of Dual Moons appearing.

  • By using the Orbital Rings Catalyst, you can guarantee that your Planet will have particle rings in its orbit. There is a 50% chance of a Basic Ring System, a 25% chance of a Beautiful Ring System, a 16% chance of a Superb Ring System, a 6% chance of a Spectacular Ring System, and a 3% chance of a Breathtaking Ring System.

Note: All Feature Traits and Catalysts are exclusive to Small, Medium or Large Planets and cannot occur for Asteroids. Some Celestial features, such as Rings and Moons, will not be visually present on your NFT at the time of minting but will be recorded in the metadata of your NFT.

Nebula Traits

Nebula Traits simply refers to the system in which your Planet NFT is located and will affect the background of the Planet in the image. There are 5 systems:

  • Scintilla System

  • Caelus System

  • Viridis System

  • Aquilo System

  • Juno System


All Planet Mintpass NFTs purchased from the first Planet Sale will be Generation 1 Planet NFTs when minted β€” showing off your commitment and status as a long time supporter of Phantom Galaxies!

Where can I get Planet Phantom Catalysts?

Planet Phantom Catalysts will be gifted to Planet Founder NFT holders, as well as those who have Complete Posters (Redeemed + Unredeemed) and Medals sets, decided by an upcoming snapshot and airdrop. You can view the exact allocation and breakdown by ownership on our previous Phantom Catalysts article! If you aren’t eligible to receive a Phantom Catalyst through the airdrop and you want in on the action, keep an eye out on the secondary market.

Pilots, get ready for an exciting update on Planet Phantom Catalysts as we gear up for the upcoming Planet Mint event, just around the corner! We’ve shared some crucial insights, giving you a solid foundation to grasp the concept. However, remember that Phantom Galaxies is still in active development, and there’s more exciting information yet to be unveiled. Any extra questions for our team? Drop us a line in Discord!

Last updated