Presale A & B Tickets

Presale A Tickets

Collection: Planet Genesis

Initial Number: 2521 (Equal to the number of "The Hopeful" NFTs)

Airdrop Date: 20/05/2022

How to Obtain this NFT:

Were airdropped to "The Hopeful" NFT holders. 1 Presale A Ticket per Hopeful NFT. Can now be bought through a secondary market (OpenSea).

Uses: This NFT entitled the holder to the special early-access Presale A for the Phantom Galaxies Planet Sale and the option to mint one (1) β€˜Planet Genesis Mintpass’ NFT.

Presale B Tickets

Collection: Planet Genesis

Initial Number: 2950 (Equal to the number of "Episode 2 Medal" NFT at the snapshot)

Airdrop Date: 20/05/2022

How to get it:

Were airdropped to the owners of an "Episode 2 Medal" NFT. There were 2950 "Episode 2 Medal" NFTs at the moment of the snapshot. Can now be bought through a secondary market (OpenSea).

Uses: This NFT entitled the holder to the special early-access Presale B for the Phantom Galaxies Planet Sale and the option to mint one (1) β€˜Planet Genesis Mintpass’ NFT.

Last updated