Beta Cohort 3 FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions Regarding the Beta.

πŸ€– - Beta FAQ - πŸ€–

What is Cohort 3: Collectors of Glory?

Cohort 3 will be the third set of players to enter the Phantom Galaxies Beta. Like with Cohort 2, we’ve squashed a lot of bugs, along with introducing additional updates and refinements.

Who has access to Cohort 3?

Cohort 3 further expands access into the Beta, with Starfighter and Avatar Mintpass holders now able to enter this new phase of the game. Additionally, holding any amount of ASTRAFER will grant access (anything above 0 will count, even if fractional). All previous NFT holders from Cohort 1 and Cohort 2 will be able to continue experiencing the Beta.

How can I get access to Starfighter and Avatar Mintpassses, Planet Genesis Mintpasses, The Hopeful, or Zorran’s Favour NFTs?

Starfighter and Avatar Mintpasses were airdropped to those who burned Posters or minted on the website for 88 ASTRAFER - and can still be minted on the website for 88 ASTRAFER. Planet Genesis Mintpasses were originally sold as part of our first Planet Sale. While the sale has ended, you are still able to purchase them from the secondary market. The second Planet Sale is scheduled for Q4 2023. The Hopeful NFT was airdropped to the members with the Hopeful Discord role who posted their wallet address in a certain channel within a specific timeframe. As 2521 members did so, there will only ever be 2521 The Hopeful NFTs. Zorran’s Favour is designed as a reward for outstanding community members. They may have won competitions or contributed to the community in impactful ways, helping or entertaining others. We have never sold Zorran’s Favour, but because they’re minted on the blockchain. All of these NFTs can be purchased on the secondary market.

What will the next Cohort (Cohort 4: Defenders of the Stars) be?

In the final Cohort, all Phantom Galaxies NFT holders will be able to play ahead of Early Access. The exact date is yet to be determined, so keep an eye on #pg-announcements for more news! What is the expected duration of Cohort 3? Following Cohort 2, we expect Cohort 3 to last for roughly a month until Early Access starts.

When will Early Access begin?

Early Access is still scheduled to launch in Q4 2023. However, this is subject to change, depending on the feedback we receive during the Beta period as we open up to more players and cohorts.

What happens if I sell my access NFT (Starfighter and Avatar Mintpasses, Planet Genesis Mintpass, The Hopeful, or Zorran’s Favour) whilst I’m playing?

If you sell your access NFTs, you can no longer play the game during Cohort 3. If you buy an access NFT, you will be granted access to play. You will get a completely new account with in-game progress reset to zero, and will not inherit game progress from the previous owner.

What are Starlings?

This is an in-game virtual currency which will be earned through in-game activities.

How do Starlings work? Will Starling holdings be reset?

The main purpose of Starlings is to test and start to introduce systems that will be in play when the game fully releases.

As such, Starlings will not carry over from the Beta.

I ran into a bug. Where can I report it?

We have a bug report form linked in the #beta-feedback channel where you can give us details about the pesky bugs you run into. Thanks for letting us know - bug reports help us to make the game better for everyone!

When can I expect the bug I reported to be fixed?

The bug report form in #beta-feedback goes straight to our dev team and they are doing their best to ensure all reported bugs get sorted before the next update.

I have at least 1 ASTRAFER, a Starfighter or Avatar Mintpass, Planet Genesis Mintpass, The Hopeful, or Zorran’s Favour NFT. How can I access the Beta?

We have step-by-step instructions on how to access the Beta in our Cohort 3: Collectors of Glory launch blog!

Can I stream or share videos from the Beta?

Absolutely! There is no non-disclosure agreement. In fact, the more people that know about PG, the better! Just make sure to let people know that this is an early version of the game and is not representative of the final product.

Can I play on Mac?

Unfortunately, like Cohort 1 and Cohort 2, Cohort 3 can currently only be played on Windows. We expect this to change to include Mac devices as we continue through the Beta period.

When will controllers be supported?

TBD. Due to the major changes and bug fixes we're implementing, we've temporarily removed controller support to ensure that as many of you can play the game as quickly as possible.

Where can I find new game content?

Cohort 3 will open up both Episodes 1 & 2 for players to experience. As always, we will continue to add exciting new depth to the surrounding PG world - just some of the exciting additions in this latest update include an experimental PvP multiplayer experience and new economy mechanics! Get out there and clash against your fellow pilots!

Will Beta progress carry over to Early Access?

No. All progress will be reset when Early Access launches later this year.

What’s new in Cohort 3?

PvP elements have been introduced in Cohort 3. PvP takes place amongst the stars near Novis Station, and can be accessed through the PvP hyperbridge.

We’ve also implemented a Gear system in which you can view the detailed attributes and perks of weapons and items. Additionally, these items can be upgraded by spending the new in-game currency introduced in this cohort.

● Episode 2 missions have been added.

● The Buster mech has been added.

● Bounties are continually updated in the bounty terminal.

How many players can fit inside Halberd-001?

At the moment, 32 players is the maximum amount that fit in each Halberd-001 in a single server shard.

Can I enter a specific instance of Halberd-001 or space to meet up with my friends?

Not at this time. We will introduce this element in the future.

When can we expect PvP combat?

With Cohort 3, we are excited to share that we are introducing a PvP area in which players can battle amongst themselves. This new feature is an experiment, and we are excited to see how players interact with this kind of multiplayer experience within the Phantom Galaxies world.

Will there be new lore coming out soon?

Lore will be constantly added to the Phantom Galaxies universe. A new story is coming soon…

When will Avatars be minted?

We don’t have an exact date to share for Avatar minting - however, following our roadmap our current expectations are that this will take place in Q3 2023.

What happened to Energy and why was it changed for the Beta?

Our brand new Heat system is replacing Energy. With each action you take in the game, your Heat level charges up, but be careful not to overheat or you’ll pay the price. Hitting the sweet spot, on the other hand, will give you an Ultimate boost. With the Heat system, we really wanted to better capture the fantasy of being a Starfighter pilot. Part of this fantasy is allowing players to push their limits, to go for the critical takedown at the risk of overheating and taking fatal damage.

Is Planet Exploration available during Cohort 3?

Unfortunately Planet Exploration will not be in the Beta.. However, players will get a taste of Planet Emissions with the upcoming Ceres Quadrant: Recon companion game, with future phases to come as the project continues to develop. We’re excited to share more news about this soon.

Last updated